Thursday, July 16, 2015

Best Cheap Web Hosting (10)

Best Cheap Web Hosting (10),web hosting,hosting,hostmonster hosting,hostmonster

Best Cheap Web Hosting (10)

INFORMATION - Why HostMonster? Hostmonster has been servicing the hosting community for over 15 years. They have succeeded in leveraging the size of their company to pass noticeable savings on to customers in the form of very affordable hosting services. They believe that reliability is the key to success on the Internet. With that being said, HostMonster produces high quality redundant systems that maximize uptime for your website. Hostmonster is best known for their dedication to customer support and exceptional business ethics.


HostMonster offers three different anti-spam options that can be located under the email section of your HostMonster control panel. They feature a complimentary spam filter, which allows for easy email filtering and spam control. Their security system, using Spam Hammer technology, defers or “temporarily rejects” the connections from mail servers that are no on their whitelist. For only $1 per email address, per month, you can have the most preeminent Spam and Virus protection software working for you. Now you won’t have to worry about spam or viruses, as they will be out before they arrive to your HostMonster server and inbox.

Hosting Features

Their powerful hosting features include unlimited domains, a free drag-and-drop site builder, web file manager, three unique web-based email solutions, and postgre SQL databases, to name a few. Customers also get the benefit of world-class technology that includes Quad processor performance servers, UPS power backup generators and courtesy site backups. Their hosting also includes 24/7 monitoring and many other unlimited server options. In a nutshell, HostMonster offers exception services at a more than fair price.


Because they are committed to giving you all the information and resources you need in a secure and reliable hosting environment, they deliver extra amenities to help you promote your website. HostMonster hosting plans incorporate multimedia features that support streaming video and audio, along with video and flash support. Additional bonus features that customers can put to use, are bulletin board software (message forum), social networking and project management tools. They also provide search engine submission and $100 in Google advertising for all new customers.


HostMonster has been quoted as stating, “Our customers are important to us, we provide superior customer service, in addition to the best website hosting at the lowest price,” and there is no doubt that they deliver on that promise. HostMonster specializes in customer satisfaction and high-level support 24/7. In addition to being available by phone, email, or chat, they provide web hosting video tutorials and guides. HostMonster encourages their customers to take advantage of their more than adequate knowledge center and frequently asked questions areas. Overall, this is a great resource for finding answers quickly and conveniently. With the web hosting help resources, businesses and individuals are sure to learn about the basis of their hosting account and the many features available to them.


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