Saturday, August 8, 2015

Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Florida - Antonio Jimenez

Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Florida - Antonio Jimenez

Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Florida - Antonio Jimenez

INFORMATION - Florida's Driving Under the Influence (DUI) laws are intentionally designed to come down hard on drivers. Whether it’s a first-time DUI arrest or a repeat offense, being found guilty of a DUI is a mandatory conviction which includes heavy fines, penalties and possible jail time, as well as possible license suspension. However, being arrested is not a conviction. Just because you have been arrested in Miami for a DUI does not mean that your world is over. Now is the time to fight and face this problem with all the resources available to you. One of the best resources you can have is an experienced Miami DUI attorney in your corner. 

How A Skilled & Experienced Miami DUI Attorney Can Help

As a Miami DUI attorney, my law practice is devoted exclusively to the defense of DUI arrests. I personally work every case to achieve the best possible outcome. My practice is not a plea mill where cases are closed as quickly as possible and every case is accepted thereby creating a volume practice. My law practice takes a limited amount of DUI cases and only cases occurring in Miami. This allows time to focus on the art of defending a drunk driving case properly and effectively. I will personally handle your DUI case with a rigorous defense. As your attorney, I will thoroughly analyze all police reports to determine if the field sobriety exercises were administered correctly, if the breath test was done properly and, if your case involves drugs and has a DRE officer, if he followed his training. I will analyze all the evidence the State has against you to find the best possible defense in your case. If a Motion to Suppress can be filed; it will be filed. If your case demands to be tried by a judge or jury; I will try it. Whatever it takes I will ensure that your case is handled with the attention and respect it deserves.

Not every attorney focuses his or her practice on DUI law, however, many attorneys in Miami will accept these cases. The flip side is that while they will take your case they will not put in the work to get you the best possible result. If you are facing a DUI arrest in Miami please consult with an attorney that concentrates his practice on the art of defending drunk driving cases. You owe it to your future to get the best possible defense. I am completely devoted to DUI defense and will defend your case rigorously.


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