Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Florida - William Hanlon
When you’ve been arrested or even just questioned by police, it can be a frightening experience. A criminal conviction can turn your life upside down, deprive you of your freedom, and strip away your reputation and standing in the community. Fortunately, just because you have been questioned, arrested, or charged does not mean you’ll be convicted. To avoid the disaster that your life could quickly become if you are, you’ll need to have a top-notch criminal defense attorney working for you.
"He will never push you into a plea bargain for expediency if it is not in your best interest and will explore all avenues to identify the most effective defense..."
That means that even if you qualify for the services of a public defender, you should resist the temptation to save money by not havening a private attorney. This is no time to take a chance with less than the best. That is not to say that PDs are not smart and dedicated attorneys. They often are, but they simply have too many cases to give yours the detailed attention it deserves. Very often, a public defender will push you into a plea bargain to dispose of your case as quickly as possible. I you want to have the charges dismissed or to be acquitted at trial, choose the best defense attorney you can find.
In the Tampa Bay area, attorney Will Hanlon has more than 20 years of experience and a reputation as a formidable advocate when you’re facing the possibility of a criminal conviction.
Will Hanlon knows that having a criminal record will affect your life in more ways than the legal penalties you’re facing. If you’re convicted, even after you serve your sentence, you will probably find it extremely difficult to get a decent job or obtain housing. You will be disqualified from receiving financial aid, so it will be difficult to advance your education, and you can lose your right to vote, hold public office, serve on a jury, and own a gun. Your friends and even your family may lose their trust in you. Your life will never be the same again.
Will is committed to protecting you from these dire consequences and will give your case the detailed attention and preparation needed to produce the best possible outcome for you. He will never push you into a plea bargain for expediency if it is not in your best interest and will explore all avenues to identify the most effective defense given the circumstances of your case. He is dedicated to defending the constitutional rights of every one of his clients. He will leave no stone unturned to achieve a successful resolution of your case with the least amount of stress and the fewest negative consequences to your future.
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